Price: ₹41,999 - ₹34,199.00
(as of Feb 01, 2025 12:57:20 UTC – Details)
The ultimate transporter that makes growing up easy from teeny-tiny to twelve years. Grows every which way for every which stage.
INSTALLATION – Installs with a vehicle’s 3-point seat belt for all stages. Installs with ISOFIX and top tether when using in forward facing group 1, 2 & 3 modes
SAFETY – Side impact protection makes sure they’re looked after from all sides. Keep your little one safe with a car seat that doesn’t crumple under pressure thanks to a reinforced steel inner seat shell. 5-point harness features covers and one-pull tightening so you can secure them snugly with one easy motion. Get a secure install every time with ISOFIX and top tether installation when used forward facing with Group 1 little ones
COMFORT – Built-in side vents mean even long summer drives are ice cool. Keep their snacks, entertainment, and soothers handy (and your backseat neat and tidy) with mesh storage pockets on the side.Joie’s deluxe cushioning and fabrics are designed to hug newborns and let big kids feel like they’re lounging. Custom infant body & head support that helps you quickly and and easily give your little one the most comfy fit at every stage
CONVENIENCE – Turn restless travellers into sound sleepers with 2 rearward facing and 4 forward facing recline positions. Built-in Harness Hideaway compartments get the 5-point harness out of your way when it’s time for booster mode, but make sure it stays handy for future use. Dual lock-off devices give you double security with your seatbelt installation so it stays tight
USAGE – Group 0+/ 1/ 2/ 3. Use rear and forward facing
CHILD WEIGHT – Rearward facing from birth to 18 kg, approx 4 years; using the 5-point harness. forward facing from 9-18kg, approx 1-4 years; using the 5-point harness. forward facing from 15-36 kg, approx 3-12 years; using the vehicle’s seat belt
Smitha Manoj –
Super safe and comfortable car seat
Have been using this since my baby was 6 months old. He is never annoyed sitting in this and sleeps in it during long journeys peacefully.Pricey but totally worth it. I made a mistake by not working on the inserts and wedges causing discomfort to the kid and us. Learnt through youtube videos and now the seat is perfectly fine.
Debayan. –
Supreme Quality
I have not used it yet but I can tell by putting my child onto it or just by simply touching it or checking all the facilities, this is one of the premium and safest car seat available in the market. Superior build quality, best selection of material, safety is taken care in every aspect of the seat, so much customisable and convertible. Great utility! So far I am loving by the first feel of it. Now I have to try it on daily basis to see how practical it is. One quick note, this is not a 360 car seat although I had no requirement of that as well.
Eduardo Lemos Nozima –
Seguro e confortável
Carlos Frederico V T da Fontoura –
A cadeirinha é muito boa. Muito confortável e fácil de instalar. O principal ponto positivo e motivo pelo qual a escolhi foi a grau de rebatimento do assento. A posição mais inclinada permite que o meu bebe durma sem que a cabeça caia para frente. O ponto negativo é que ela é ENORME. Tenho um sedan relativamente grande e não cabem 3 adultos atrás com um mÃÂnimo de conforto. Já imaginava que seria grande mas não imaginava que seria tanto. De qualquer forma recomendo. Certamente vou comprar uma igual para o segundo filho.
Rafa –
Atende demais a demanda l, muito confortável e fácil de instalar.Tem um defeito que é o sinto de segurança pois não consigo regular e possibilita do bebê tirar os braços, precisaria ter uma trava na parte de cima do cinto.
Rejane Pacheco –
Cadeira aprovadÃÂssima. Acabou o nosso sofrimento nas viagens. Minha filha (7 meses) chorava muito quando ia no bebê conforto, mal entrava no carro e já começava a reclamar. Agora com a cadeirinha é nÃÂtido como ela fica mais confortável e fica super tranquila durante os passeios/viagens.A cadeira é bem robusta e aparenta ser realmente segura. O fato de poder transportar a criança de costas por mais tempo é também um fator super positivo.Recomendo!
Jéssica Cabral –
Essa cadeirinha é ótima.Achei muito confortável. Viajei 900km e minha filha ficou bem tranquila, confortável. Meu carro é um fiesta 2012. E gostei bastante poder usar contra o movimento até 18 kilos em relação as outras cadeirinhas que não podem. Quanto mais usar contra o movimento mais seguro é para o bebê.